NQF Press 1 | Pre-Pandemic Christmas


This issue of NotQuiteFree Press is the first in what is hoped to be a series of short form pamphlets, each of which will focus on a single photo essay of everyday life made by Keith Osborn. All of the photos can be seen on my website at: https://keithosbornphotography.co.uk/essays.

This issue takes a photo essay created on Christmas Day in 2019 and asks whether it is too fanciful to suggest that the emptiness of the town of Fakenham photographed that day could foreshadow the similar scenes that Keith would photograph very shortly afterwards during the COVID lockdowns of 2020?

Containing 8 original photographs (not previously published) and a short accompanying essay, the zine comprises 4 pages of A4 and aims to consciously cultivate for the present day the style of photojournalism used in the middle of the last century by the likes of photographers Bert Hardy and Bill Brandt in Picture Post and Life magazines.

This initial issue of NotQuiteFree Press is just £3 including free delivery.